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typeoriginyearneckconstructionheadstockzero frettrussrod
Italy'65-'68bolt onviolin waveyesyes
 notes:  The model with only one single pickup was called 'Alfa', the two-pickup type 'Effe'




typeoriginyearneckconstructionheadstockzero frettrussrod

Italymid 60'sbolt onviolin with f-holesspecialyesyes
 notes:  This model similar to the Welson Starfire Bass. Trussrod accessible from the body side



typeoriginyearneckconstructionheadstockzero frettrussrod

Italymid 60'sbolt onviolin with f-holescorrugatedyesyes
 notes:  Sort of combination between the Effe and the Welson model.