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typeoriginyearneckconstructionheadstockzero frettrussrod

Japan1967-69bolt onviolin with f-holesscrollyesyes
 notes: Owned by Kazuo Morioka, Firstman was also well known as (legal) copier of the californian Mosrite guitars


typeoriginyearneckconstructionheadstockzero frettrussrod
Japanlate 60'sbolt onviolin with f-holesscrollyesyes



typeoriginyearneckconstructionheadstockzero frettrussrod
Japanlate 60'sbolt onviolin with f-holesscrollyesyes




typeoriginyearneckconstructionheadstockzero frettrussrod
Japanlate 60'sbolt onviolinscrollyesyes
 notes:  same body was used with a different neck on the Realistic bass distributed in the US by the Radio Shack chain




typeoriginyearneckconstructionheadstockzero frettrussrod

Japanlate 60'sbolt onviolinwavenoyes
 notes:  common EB1 copy but with 'Hofner' headstock, probably Matsumoku made



typeoriginyearneckconstructionheadstockzero frettrussrod
Japan2004bolt onviolin with f-holesscrollyesyes
 notes: Reissue of the 60's baroque bass as anniversary model (tribute to the japanese pop group 'Blue Comets' or as budget model


Colorful 'Budget'-version with simple tailpiece: